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Data Collection and Conversion/Mediation


XConvert provides the central XCarrier conversion functionality.

It is de facto an advanced mediation application. It copies binary, proprietary switch system transaction data into the XCarrier data lake and converts it into XCarrier’s internal, readable data format.

Based on the instructions (guiding), XConvert creates integrated data so that the data is sorted and stored correctly.

This forms the foundation for effectively evaluating (rating) voice calls and assigning them to customers as well as suppliers.


Transaction data conversion: conversion of generated switch transaction data from proprietary manufacturer formats into readable and post-processable XCarrier data.

  • Conventional TDM switches
  • Current VoIP switches and IMS systems
  • Fixed and/or mobile switch systems

Data import
Transaction data is imported in defined time windows (e.g. batch extraction every five minutes, processing every 15 minutes).

Instructions (Guiding)
Guiding defines the set of rules for how transaction data is sorted and data records are completed, enriched and stored. Transaction data is sorted and listed in assignable data series. This process step forms the foundation of the rating (evaluation of the transaction data) and for the subsequent billing processes.

Customer Added Value

Regular and monitored data import
Importing of the transaction data is a monitored, regular process to ensure that no gaps occur.

The imported transaction data is checked to ensure that it is complete, supplemented and ensures end-to-end data consistency.

Big Data performance
Data importing, processing, integration and storage are all performed in near real time so that the data is available immediately.